AMPL problem on Aave v2 Ethereum

Hello BGDLabs and the Aave community,

It has been 14 days since the last update and over a month since the issue with the AMPL token on Aave first arose. The lack of recent communication and detailed updates is becoming a significant concern for myself and other AMPL stakeholders. We understand that resolving complex technical issues can be challenging and time-consuming, but regular updates on the progress, even if small, are essential for maintaining confidence and transparency.

Could we please have a more detailed update on the following points?

  1. Specific Challenges: What are the specific technical or logistical challenges currently being faced in resolving the AMPL issue?
  2. Progress Made: Has there been any progress, however minor, since the last update?
  3. Estimated Timelines: While recognizing the difficulty in providing exact timelines, can any estimated time frames be shared for when we might expect further developments or resolutions?
  4. Action Plan: What are the next steps planned by the Ampleforth team and risk providers in addressing this issue?

As investors, we are in a precarious position and require more substantial information to understand the situation better. Regular, detailed communication would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.