ARC: Deepen cooperation with Yearn

Hey Ali and Sam.

Thanks for doing it clear and concise. I will have appreciate that the poll offers different options to vote. Each point needs a different vote and offering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ it not granular enough.

It is an interesting proposal. Few thoughts about it :

  1. Disable YFI as a borrowing asset in order to prevent governance and shorting attacks, which in turn enables aYFI to be accepted in Yearn Governance, thereby increasing the utilization of Aave within Yearn products.
  • Using the “governance attack” argument is wrong imo
  • Flashloan governance attack is a threat all tokens available for borrowing on Aave are facing.
  • Maker implemented 18 lines of code and other solutions, that answer your governance attack issue.
  • If you think disabling borrowing for gov token is a better solution you can share on the dedicated post.
  • Even if we disable YFI borrowing, other lending protocol will not.

  • Also it seems despotic to disable borrowing for an asset. I am in favor of freedom and user empower, I will not vote for this.
  • If Yearn bag holders need to disable borrowing to make sure there bag is not getting short on the market, it is dramatic.
  1. Extend a special 3% fixed interest facility to Yearn’s Treasury , which commits to making a 1,000 YFI deposit maintained with up to 65% utilization (loan-to-value).
  • The 3% is an APR you pay to borrow stable coins ? Or is it an interest rate you pay on top of borrow APR, directly to Aave treasury ?
  • From what I understood it is a fixed APR for borrowing stable coin. I wish it is not that (knowing that average APR for borrowing DAI on last month is 15.20%
  1. Enable access to Native Credit Delegation for Yearn vaults , allowing Aave Liquidity Providers (LPs) to delegate to Yearn vaults directly from within Aave’s interface. Aave in turn can earn a share of the revenues generated from the vault fees.

I do not agree.

  • Yearn did an amazing job, paving the way to autonomous asset management in crypto.
  • Despite the 11M DAI fresh hack, Yearn is considered as a secure platform.
  • The yearn v2 design, and now this CTA integration demonstrates the will from Yearn community to make more mainstream the protocol

  • Nonetheless, dedicated builders are competing and building on the yield aggregating market. I promote competition and innovation.
  • As an Aave user; what would I think if Uniswap was adding a CTA on their UX to redirect users to Compound so that they can make their recent swap growth ?

I am curious about what this proposal will lead to :eyes: