[ARC] RWA Facilitator Onboarding Framework

To kickstart the conversation, some open questions we have on how GHO (specific to RWA in some cases) will work.

  1. Will AAVE introduce a peg-stability module-like mechanism to maintain GHO’s peg? In the stablecoin section where we mention “these assets will be managed by the protocol,” this is what we had in mind. @puniaviision also highlights this in the “debt ceiling” portion of their post.
  2. Will there be a surplus buffer? If so, what is the target amount?
  • Is the surplus buffer specific to RWA?
  • Or is it a wider surplus buffer for all GHO potential bad debt?
  1. Funds in the AAVE safety module today are nearly $400mm in USD. Can or should this be used to cover the bad debt https://etherscan.io/token/0xa1116930326d21fb917d5a27f1e9943a9595fb47

  2. Will Facilitators provide first-loss capital?

  3. How are facilitator caps set?

  • Does cap take into consideration concentration risk? (i.e. no facilitator can mint more than [50%] of RWA-backed GHO)?
  1. Does all RWA have a supply cap that takes into account surplus buffer or stkAAVE value?
  2. What roles does the AAVE DAO wish to have in oversight? Does it want to establish a credit/underwriting-focused unit to evaluate and monitor each deal?
  3. What is the process for offboarding facilitators?