[ARFC] Aave V3 Deployment on Base

Gauntlet recs for Aave v3 BASE 2023-07-28

Gauntlet provided initial recommendations for the BASE deployment Temp Check. We refresh our parameters below, given the early stages of BASE mainnet.

Risk Parameter WETH wstETH USDC cbETH
Isolation Mode NO NO NO NO
Enable Borrow YES YES YES YES
Enable Collateral YES YES YES YES
Emode Category eth-correlated eth-correlated N/A eth-correlated
Loan To Value 80% 79% 77% 75%
Liquidation Threshold 83% 82% 80% 78%
Liquidation Bonus 5% 5% 5% 7%
Reserve Factor 15% 15% 10% 15%
Liquidation Protocol Fee 10% 10% 10% 10%
Debt Ceiling N/A N/A N/A N/A
uOptimal 80% 45% 90% 45%
Base 1% 0.3% 0% 0%
Slope1 3.8% 4.5% 4% 7%
Slope2 80% 80% 60% 300%

Under the current framework for LST oracle pricing, we recommend Ethereum-correlated emode be enabled for WETH, wstETH, and cbETH upon launch, with LT 93%, LT 90%, LB 2%.

Supply/Borrow Caps
We give supply/borrow cap recommendations based on assumed BASE TVL upon Aave deployment. It’s hard to predict asset liquidity as well as the proportion of asset market cap proportions to total BASE TVL, so the numbers below are just an approximation. That being said, unlike mainnet Ethereum, we imagine cbETH to have higher liquidity than wstETH on BASE, due to the Coinbase relationship. Again, these numbers are dependent on BASE TVL and liquidity upon launch and may change.

$100mm TVL

Risk Parameter WETH wstETH USDC cbETH
Supply Cap 10000 (~$20m) 5000 (~$10m) 30m ($30m) 7500 (~$15m)
Borrow cap 10000 200 30m 300

For larger TVL, multiply cap numbers by TVL / $100m.