[ARFC] Aave V3 Deployment on Scroll mainnet

Scroll Risk Analysis and Initial Parameter Recommendations

Recommended Initial Parameters

Gauntlet and ChaosLabs recommend the following initial parameters for wETH, wstETH, and USDC on Aave V3 Scroll.

Risk Parameter WETH wstETH USDC
Isolation Mode NO NO NO
Enable Borrow YES YES YES
Enable Collateral YES YES YES
Emode Category ETH ETH No
Loan To Value 75% 75% 77%
Liquidation Threshold 78% 78% 80%
Liquidation Bonus 6% 10% 5%
Reserve Factor 15% 15% 10%
Liquidation Protocol Fee 10% 10% 10%
Supply Cap 400 130 1,000,000
Borrow Cap 320 45 900,000
Debt Ceiling N/A N/A N/A
uOptimal 80% 45% 90%
Base 0% 0% 0%
Slope1 3.3% 7.0% 5%
Slope2 80% 300% 60%

Supply caps

We recommend setting supply caps at 2x the available liquidity under the Liquidation Penalty price impact. Given the low liquidity on DEXes for wstETH, we suggest launching with conservative supply caps equal to ~10% of the total circulating supply.


We recommend the ETH eMode pools start with the same parameters as Ethereum mainnet, Optimism, and Gnosis: 93% LT, 90% LTV, and 1% LB.

Supporting Data

Since the official launch of Scroll on Mainnet, the total assets circulating has reached $45M with a TVL of $17M.


Contracts and Circulating Supply

Contract Token Circulating Supply
0x06eFdBFf2a14a7c8E15944D1F4A48F9F95F663A4 USDC 11,247,771.00
0x5300000000000000000000000000000000000004 WETH 1,764.82
0xf610A9dfB7C89644979b4A0f27063E9e7d7Cda32 wstETH 1,338

DEX Liquidity

  • 400 WETH can be swapped into USDC at 6% slippage
  • 120 wstETH can be swapped into WETH at 10% slippage

Top Pools on Scroll Dexes

Zebra DEX


