[ARFC] Aave V3 Deployment on Scroll mainnet

Scroll Initial Parameter Recommendations (1/17/24)

Recommended Initial Parameters

Gauntlet and ChaosLabs have refreshed our recommendations given the latest liquidity data for the following initial parameters for wETH, wstETH, and USDC on Aave V3 Scroll.

Risk Parameter WETH wstETH USDC
Isolation Mode NO NO NO
Enable Borrow YES YES YES
Borrowable in Isolation NO NO YES
Enable Collateral YES YES YES
Emode Category ETH ETH N/A
Loan To Value 75% 75% 77%
Liquidation Threshold 78% 78% 80%
Liquidation Bonus 6% 7% 5%
Reserve Factor 15% 15% 10%
Liquidation Protocol Fee 10% 10% 10%
Supply Cap 240 130 1,000,000
Borrow Cap 200 45 900,000
Debt Ceiling N/A N/A N/A
uOptimal 80% 45% 90%
Base 0% 0% 0%
Slope1 3.3% 7% 6%
Slope2 80% 300% 60%


We recommend the ETH eMode pools start with the same parameters as Ethereum mainnet, Optimism, and Gnosis: 93% LT, 90% LTV, and 1% LB.

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