[ARFC] Risk Steward Parameter Updates Phase 3

LlamaRisk supports these changes, which are within reasonable boundaries and will result in faster adaptability and reduced governance overhead. We have collaborated closely as reviewers of @ChaosLabs’ work for almost a year and hold their work in high regard.

Comparison table of proposed changes

Parameter Current Proposed
Supply & Borrow Caps 100% relative (no change)
Debt Ceiling 20% relative (no change)
LST Cap adapter params 5% relative (no change)
Stable price cap 0.5% relative (no change)
Base Variable Borrow Rate 0.5% absolute 1% absolute
Slope 1 0.5% absolute 1% absolute
Slope 2 5% absolute 20% absolute
Optimal Point (Kink) 3% absolute (no change)
Loan to Value (LTV) 0.25% absolute 0.5% absolute
Liquidation Threshold 0.25% absolute 0.5% absolute
Liquidation Bonus 0.5% absolute (no change)

(no change to minimum delay)