Dates: 4/27, Wednesday -4/29, Friday 3-4:30 pm CET
Preliminary Talks
Understanding the Certora Prover (20 mins) Understanding the Workflow of the Certora Prover - YouTube
CVL: Formalizing DeFi SafetyStart at 7:23:30 Secureum TrustX — Mainnet Room, 21 April - YouTube
Installing the Certora Prover
Grab your key from the email you used to register
This key should not be shared. Follow the installation guide here:
Run an example to verify a proper set up. Follow our guide here: Running the Certora Prover — Certora Prover Documentation 0.0 documentation
Learning Resources
Certora Tutorials: GitHub - Certora/Tutorials: Practical tutorials of Certora Prover
Certora Documentation: Certora Prover Documentation — Certora Prover Documentation 0.0 documentation
Certora Forum:
Day 1: CVL Language - writing basic rules and understanding verification results. recording: Workshop: Aave Community Day 1 4/27/22 - YouTube
Day 2: Thinking through properties - thinking about high-level properties while working on a generic liquidity pool. Workshop: Aave Community Day 2 4/28/22 - YouTube
Day 3: Finding real bugs - practice your newly acquired skills on examples based on bugs found in the real-world. Workshop: Aave Community Day 3 4/29/22 - YouTube
All slides and lessons: GitHub - Certora/Tutorials: Practical tutorials of Certora Prover