GHO Development Update (Testnet Release)

The Centrifuge team has shared our perspective of an RWA facilitator and some thoughts on collateral management more recently. We’d love to start engaging with others on these topics more deeply.

Generally speaking I see two major needs for GHO to scale facilitators:

  1. A holistic perspective on managing the allocations of each facilitator collectively (i.e. an Asset Liability Management framework or similar). And,

  2. Specific governance needs for complex collateral types (e.g. RWA will probably require some specific governance oversight, like an RWA board).

The first is in addition or an extension of the traditional risk management frameworks Aave has been using already. And the second is probably a mixed representation of existing community contributors and some dedicated resources that aren’t here today.

Lots of other thoughts here, but really exciting to see GHO on testnet!