Introducing: GHO

Hi, I’m Mike, an active Aave contributor who helped build/design and currently manages the Aave RWA Market. I am also the Founder of DeFi Capital Markets, an entity focused on furthering the vision of RWAs on-chain. Previously, I was a core member of the Centrifuge team who helped pioneer the RWA category and am currently contributing to the Centrifuge, Aave (RWA market) and MakerDAO ecosystems to name a few.

We love the GHO concept and would be very keen to contribute to its success if we can.

@stani We would be interested in becoming the Facilitator for the RWA category (if not already spoken for). We expect that RWAs will be a gradual process, but would love to get involved from day one and help ideate on how to best approach etc. We have also been forming a decentralised group of credit experts that can be leveraged for diligence and know how. Have spoken to @Alex_BertoG and some other team members about this in the past. Would be great to brainstorm if this group could play a part as well. I think it could be instrumental in bringing standardisation and impartial views to the way we think about and analyse potential RWA collateral in the ecosystem. Let me know if it’s worth a chat :slight_smile: