Questbook Grants tool pilot with Aave Grants DAO


Questbook is a tool that helps run a grant program in a completely decentralized fashion. This makes the Grant DAOs more transparent and accountable to the community. We received a grant from Aave Grants DAO (AGD) to integrate the tool with the Aave Grants DAO workflow. We propose to use a part of the funds to run a pilot grants program on Questbook grants tool to demonstrate the utility of the tool.

Other than Aave, Questbook is working closely with Polygon(, Solana, Compound and many others to decentralize their Grants Process.


Questbook aims to migrate AGD grants on-chain. We are thankful to AGD for approving a grant for $50,000 to fine-tune our on-chain grants tool for Aave grants DAO workflows. The update is complete and now we want to work on migrating the AGD grants operations onto the tool.

Some of the salient features of the tool include:

  • A decentralized product to seamlessly manage grants operations on-chain
    • Workflow management - receiving applications, reviewing them, paying out - all from one place

      Grants Analytics Dashboard

    • Rich dashboards and reporting for the community to view the performance of the grants dao

    • Milestone-based payouts - We track milestones and allocators can disburse funds only when milestones are hit

  • Open sourced, free to use, no centralized database or servers used in the product.

As a part of the pilot, we would like to set up on the Questbook tool 3 RFPs from the current AGD Wave 2 and invite applications from the Aave community. Additionally, we propose that all the applications to the said 3 RFPs be redirected via Questbook. The total value of these bounties would be $25000 paid in AAVE across the milestones and expecting 10-20 applications for these grants. These grants will be funded by the grant that Questbook received from AGD.

The applications for these grants will be reviewed by 1 or 2 reviewers from the current AGD. We request Shreyas Hariharan (AGD Lead) to nominate these reviewers, who will work closely with the Questbook team to receive applications, review them, set milestones, and process milestone payments over the period of 3-4 weeks.

Success of this Pilot

The reviewers would submit their experience processing the applications end-to-end from the Questbook Grants tool and provide their experience with respect to whether:

  1. More transparency in grants applications processing
  2. Better communication between reviewers and applicants
  3. They were easily able to process all the applications from one single tool instead of multiple disparate tools
  4. Faster processing
  5. Relevant metrics tracking

Assuming the feedback from the reviewers is good, we would then proceed to propose a full or majority migration of AGD grants operations onto the Questbook grants management tool.

:pray:t3: Ask

  1. Suggest what information you, as a community member of Aave, would like to see reported visually on the dashboards - to increase our transparency and accountability.
  2. Request Shreyas to suggest names of reviewers to run the pilot Aave grants on the Questbook tool.

About the Questbook tool

We built Questbook after we interacted with 30+ grant managers and organizations. Questbook has worked with grant programs across the ecosystem - including Polygon, Solana, Celo, Klaytn, Harmony, and many other L1/L2s.

Demo for the tool can be found here:

Customize Grants application including setting milestones:

View all your applications in one place



Pretty detailed proposal. Worth getting into the actionable. More on the lines of

  1. Voting for allocators
  2. Budget & Timeline for the pilot

love the aave grants program and to see more transparency and information on the grants being distributed would be amazing for the community.

I think this is a great idea!

Thanks for sharing this @skarri. Would you or someone from Questbook want to come on the next community call to share more about the pilot? It’s scheduled for July 27 at 2:00pm UTC on Spaces :ghost:

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Excited to join the community call and talk more about the Pilot. Thanks for the invite @0xbilll