Technical maintenance proposals

a.DI/Governance. Enable support for Celo

Simple Summary

Proposal to register the necessary Celo adapters on a.DI, a technical pre-requirement for an activation vote of Aave v3 Celo.


To pass messages from Ethereum to Celo via a.DI (Aave Delivery Infrastructure), it is necessary to have at least three valid adapters Ethereum → Celo smart contracts enabled in the system.

The first case of message passing Ethereum → Celo is the activation proposal for an Aave v3 Celo pool and consequently, to be able to execute the payload on the Celo side, the Aave governance should approve in advance the a.DI adapters smart contracts.

This procedure mirrors the requirements on previous networks like Scroll, ZkSync, or Linea.


The proposal payload simply registers pre-deployed Celo adapters (with the necessary configurations to communicate with the Celo a.DI) on the Ethereum a.DI instance.

This is done by calling the enableBridgeAdapters() function on the Ethereum Cross-chain Controller smart contract.

The new a.DI deployments on the Celo network are as follows:

Contract Address
CrossChainController 0x50F4dAA86F3c747ce15C3C38bD0383200B61d6Dd
Granular Guardian 0xbE815420A63A413BB8D508d8022C0FF150Ea7C39
Chainlink Emergency Oracle 0x91b21900E91CD302EBeD05E45D8f270ddAED944d

The new Aave Governance deployments on the Celo network are as follows:

Contract Address
PayloadsController 0xE48E10834C04E394A04BF22a565D063D40b9FA42
Executor Lvl 1 0x1dF462e2712496373A347f8ad10802a5E95f053D
Governance Guardian 0x056E4C4E80D1D14a637ccbD0412CDAAEc5B51F4E
BGD Labs Guardian (retry messaging) 0xfD3a6E65e470a7D7D730FFD5D36a9354E8F9F4Ea