[TEMP CHECK] Treasury Management - Introducing StrategicAssetManager

Would be great to have a treasury mgmt committee that handles the daily decisions/actions for the DAO. Thanks for the post.

You have a good history of communication about your actions to the DAO and I think it would be a good idea to include in this proposal where that transparency will live and what expectations the DAO should have about what will be communicated.

Your specifications on functionality of the StrategicAssetManager are helpful but these three seem a bit broad to me. I understand they might be necessary but if included, I think it is important to clarify which kind of decisions/actions are clearly under the committees purview without needing DAO approval and where the DAO would like to draw the line on the decision/power allocation.

As a suggestion: I think the DAO should allocate a certain about of tokens to the committee with a specified goal, and any new allocations go through governance. This mainly is referring to the Claim Protocol Fees capability. Similarly, assets that can be locked should either require optimistic consent (2 week communication during which the DAO can veto, can be off-chain). Open to others but would like to avoid micro-managing while still keeping the committee accountable to the DAO.