Aave Polygon User Retention Dashboard

Hello Everyone :wave:

We received a grant from Aave Grants DAO and would like to give you guys an update on it’s completion. Our grant project is Building an Aave user retention analytics dashboard also called cohort analysis for Polygon network.

Benefits of User Retention Analytics for Defi Dapps :bar_chart:

  • It helps you keep track of repeat users and understand what makes them return.
  • This gives an idea about the Dapp User’s engagement over time. Understanding the impact of user behavior on your Dapp is easier
  • Helps study actual Improvement rather than what is apparent. Optimization of conversion funnel takes place.
  • There is a shift towards effective Customer Engagement for your Dapp. Understanding customer churn and building strategies to optimize it are simpler.

Dashboard Metrics :chart_with_upwards_trend:

  • Aggregated metrics like total transactions, users with more than 1 transactions, unique users and more.
  • Cohort Metrics: Month by month cohort analysis on deposit amount and user transactions
    • Cohort analysis on deposit amount
    • Cohort analysis on user transactions
  • Funnel Metrics : It tracks user engagement by showing the number of repeat transactions over a period of time.


We faced few challenges since Aave polygon has huge number of transactions. A lot of time was spent optimizing the data and metrics.

View Dashboard: https://network.dapplooker.com/aave/polygon

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January user retention data is live on dashboard :chart_with_upwards_trend: :bar_chart:


Hello Team,

Both Aave Ethereum and Aave polygon dashboards are updated with february data and metrics.

Aave Ethereum User Retention Dashboard
Aave Polygon User Retention Dashboard

Custom charts can also be built from here.

cc: @0xbilll @ShreyashK

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From BGD, we have verified that, as the fallback oracle is a deprecated component on the Aave Oracle, their reference there for all Aave v3 markets has been set to address(0), removing the attack vector.

Concerning the underlying token used, we think USDC is the simpler, and from the Ethereum ecosystem reserve, to have a full on-chain process.

Given its severity, this seems like an appropriate amount but I would caution against more frequent bounties.

Regarding the frequency of bounties, we think it is pretty healthy and in general good for the ecosystem to reward entities submitting bugs, just by always trying to be objective on the size of the bounty

Hello Everyone,

Both Aave Ethereum and Aave polygon user retention dashboards are updated with June data and metrics.

Aave Ethereum User Retention Dashboard
Aave Polygon User Retention Dashboard

Custom charts can also be built from here.

cc: @0xbilll @ShreyashK

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