February 4, 2023, 10:57am
@mango @MarcZeller
A proposal to use UniswapV3 NFT has already been submitted. I myself find this idea very interesting and think it has the potential to grow Aave significantly. Please give us feedback on these ARCs.
Hi Aave Community,
I’m Brian, a long-time contributor to Gamma Strategies, which is an active manager on Uniswap v3, and I am excited to discuss an ARC on potentially listing Gamma Strategies’ GHO-USDC Uniswap v3 LP position as collateral in an isolated lending market to mint GHO on Aave v3 when GHO becomes available to the public.
Sentence Rational
This is an ARC regarding onboarding Gamma Strategies’ GHO-USDC LP position on Uniswap v3 as collateral, utilizing Gamma’s infrastructure to deepe…
Proposal for a GHO Facilitator which accepts Uniswap V3 NFT (LP positions) as collateral and permits minting and burning GHO tokens when borrowing/repaying and getting liquidated.
Uniswap V3 has a current TVL of $2.83 Billion [1] and growing, most of which is currently illiquid for the liquidity providers. Borrowing/minting GHO against Uniswap V3 LP positions makes the liquidity providers illiquid assets be more liquid, thus bringing deep liquidity to the DeFi ecosystem…
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