[ARC] Aave V3 network integrations process


Aave V3 is designed to embrace the multiverse vision and works best on multiple networks.
That being said, bandwidth is not infinite and not all networks are equally secure or worth.

as we’re experiencing more and more demands to host Aave V3,

I think the governance might want to consider standardization of the process.

Here’s a proposal for a framework that is open to community discussions.

Title [ARC] - Deploy Aave V3 on [Network]


Brief presentation of the network and ecosystem 250 words max

[Technical Specifications]

Brief technical presentation of the network including

  • the number of nodes, if the network is an L2 how does anchoring on L1 work?
  • consensus mechanism
  • Infrastructure presence : does Chainlink,Thegraph and Etherscan support the network?
  • Ecosystem presence: Does Curve and an AMM/Dex are present?
  • L2 or alt-L1
  • presence or not of a messaging system allowing smart-contract communication between Eth L1 and the network (Needed for cross-chain governance)
  • is the network EVM compatible?
  • what are the most common public RPCs?
  • does your network testnet has a Faucet? does your mainnet has one for the native asset?
  • relevant data

[Proposed list of initial collaterals]

a list of proposed starting collateral on Aave V3

  • Does the network has chainlink Price Feeds or is it in contact with Chainlink to deploy feeds for these assets?
  • do these assets have 30 days 2M$ daily volume minimum?
  • liquidity of these assets on main DEXs
  • main DEXs of the network


Short brief if the network wants to do a Liquidity Mining program and include Aave V3 in it.

[Audits & Security]

  • List of relevant security audits of the network
  • Has the network experienced outages, downtime or exploits/hacks?

If yes:

  • How many outages/downtime has your chain experienced in the last year? Please list the 5 last occurrences with dates and explanations
  • How long was the longest downtime?
  • What were the main issues & have they been resolved?

Governance process :

  1. create a compliant with this framework post in the governance forum
  2. after a minimum of 5 DAYS, create a snapshot vote on Aave snapshot with a clear yes, no, and abstain option and reach a quorum of 150k AAVE votes in total

I invite the community to provide feedback on this proposal and once consensus is reached, a snapshot vote will be created to ask for the adoption of this standardization.


What i think should also be added are links to completed audits, just to be as transparent as possible. And i do agree with the other points and in general having a standard process.

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great feedback editing to add this.

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I would also add the following fields: “EVM compatibility”, “Block explorer”, “RPC Details” and “Faucet” link to Technical specifications.

It will make more easier to check the compatibility of the network, do some on-chain network tests and perform the deployments.


added, thanks a lot.

Nice write up, lots of important information on there

For each chain, would be great to have the TVL time serie.

I would also like to see more details on the reliability of the networks:

  • Has the network experienced outages, downtime or exploits/hacks?

If yes:

  • How many outages/downtime has your chain experienced in the last year? Please list the 5 last occurrences with dates and explanations
  • How long was the longest downtime?
  • What were the main issues & have they been resolved?

As this topic seems to have reached some form of consensus,

I’ll create a snapshot vote in ~24h to implement this framework.

Discussion about this topic is still open, feel free to voice your opinion here on in the upcoming vote.

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150 kAave quorum sounds like a lot, looking at past vote results it is at the higher end. Somethink like 40 k would cover most votes that have passed so far for similar proposals.

an AIP (on-chain vote) quorum is 320k, 150k is less than half of this requirement.

Having Aave V3 on a chain is a critical decision, I would not be comfortable having a quorum as low as 40k.

But any opinion on Quorum threshold is welcomed.

I think 40k is way to low. Thats really no problem to either get by delegation power or by just owning that much Aave. So quorum would be reached like everytime.
Im fine with 150k, which is also not that much regarding the total circulating supply of estimated 13,513,669. So taking this into account 150k are only roughly 1,1%.
Which is actually quite low.

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Hey @MarcZeller - question here:

Is there a limit to how many networks V3 can support?

It seems as if everyone wants in.


Virtually any EVM-compatible Network can host V3.
As long as they have Chainlink price feeds, an ETH L1 connection bridge, and for comfort TheGraph support.

No limit but each network means infrastructure and Bandwidth cost.

It would be false to presume to deploying V3 on a network has no cost because of maintenance, AIPs supervision, feeds, and potential image damage in case of a hack or bad debt to network outage causing Liquidation to not work all have a real cost, monetary or not.


Snapshot vote is live.

Feel free to vote!



@kartojal agreed, need some more info on the implementation multichain is difficult to unravel. Does any list of network information exist in table format with the columns you suggested, at least for AAVE?