ARC: Add OP as Collateral to AAVE v3

We noticed that an on-chain proposal has been published without analysis from Gauntlet on the risk parameters.

Gauntlet will be voting NO on this proposal, as it does not follow community best practices and sets a poor precedent for the protocol in listing new assets.

  • There is no Snapshot vote from what I can tell.
  • This proposal was submitted without Gauntlet’s risk assessment on the market risk side.
  • Listing assets in the volatile market conditions we find ourselves in today is generally not the best practice.

Asset listings are a significant risk vector for the protocol. A major reason why we have recently seen attacks on other protocols is precisely because the assets on those protocols are susceptible to price manipulation (poor liquidity, risky parameterization, oracle configuration, etc.).

OP is highly respected within the industry, and we are excited to see robust assets being added to Aave V3. But as a DAO, we should follow best practices to ensure the sustainability of the protocol. Of course, these DAO best practices may not be obviously apparent to partners, so no fault to the original poster.

Gauntlet targets providing analysis on the market risk side within ~2 weeks.