[ARC] - Chaos Labs Supply and Borrow Cap Updates - Aave V3 - 2023.02.24

Following the community poll on risk preference, Gauntlet is conducting updated analysis on borrow/supply caps. Gauntlet’s recommendations differ from Chaos’s numbers above, but to avoid community confusion, below are a few points:

  • Gauntlet’s recommendations on the stablecoins above differ from Chaos’s numbers. We will follow up with more fine-tuning of the caps, but we do not want to block on these stablecoin recs in the meantime.
  • For Polygon V3, Chaos’s recs for WETH and AAVE are riskier than Gauntlet’s Conservative recommendation but within Gauntlet’s Aggressive calculation. Please see here for Gauntlet’s methodology. Thus, our research shows that if the community has an aggressive (higher-risk) preference, then the community may wish to increase the caps on WETH and AAVE to allow more growth.

The table below shows Gauntlet’s Conservative and Aggressive supply cap calculations.
