Thanks, @ChaosLabs. Gauntlet’s analysis yielded different results (mostly higher caps). In order to reduce governance fatigue, we will not offer another set of options to the community. However, we did want to flag the BAL supply cap increase.
The recommended BAL supply cap of 569,200 above represents ~78% of circulating supply on Polygon chain. That represents a meaningful concentration risk for the Aave Polygon v3 market. Under Gauntlet’s borrow and supply cap methodology, even our Aggressive recommendation would set the max amount of BAL at 361k. If Chaos moves forward with recommending an increase to BAL’s supply cap, we recommend no cap larger than 361k.
We’d note that there are several assets on this list that Gauntlet would recommend increasing caps for, but only if the community agrees on an Aggressive assumption. The community has not yet decided on a Conservative vs. Aggressive strategy, so we ask that the community provides input on this thread.