ARC: Governance Framework For Alternative Chain Proposals

We agree with @eboado that governance decisions are not all the same and that the governance process to update risk parameters should be streamlined.

As @raho and @MarcZeller stated, it is useful to align on governance processes for the Avalanche chain because currently, Snapshot votes are the “deciding factor” for Avalanche proposals.

Gauntlet proposes the below governance process specifically for updating risk parameters on Avalanche. The process is streamlined in terms of both time and quorum. We are referencing this proposal as precedent for quorum requirements, as it was a proposal to change risk parameters on Avalanche that was successfully implemented.

We welcome thoughts and discussion from the community.

  • Vote should start 24h in the future
  • The governance thread related to the snapshot vote should be at least 2 days old
  • Vote should last at least 3 days
  • Vote should have at least 3 options (YAE/NAY/Abstain)
  • Vote should reach a 200,000 YAE vote quorum with a differential of 80,000 NAE votes.
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