ARC: Re-enabling ETH Borrowing post-Merge

Thanks @Pauljlei and the Gauntlet team for the analysis.

From a bit more technical/operational perspective, we would like to point out that, if targeting the re-enabling of ETH borrowing on Aave v2 Ethereum just after merge (let’s say having proposal’s execution time ~2 days after Merge, so creation by tomorrow), it is pretty important that:

  • The proposer (Gauntlet) is in quite close contact with their proposition delegator, for them to remove proposition power and that way cancel the proposal if anything is noticed and prudency says to keep it disabled.

  • As a fallback of the previous, the Guardian of the Aave governance is notified (BGD can help on this) to be alert of any potential cancellation.

Regarding the re-enabling itself, there is not really much more to comment on from a technical point of view; we will review the proposal as usual and will double-check that the Aave decentralized UI will function as expected.