Chaos Labs supports listing RPL on Ethereum V3 as a non-collateral asset, as proposed above and as voted on in the [TEMP-CHECK] Snapshot. As in previous cases, we recommend launching with more conservative caps, which can be increased after analyzing usage patterns and volume on Aave and the broader market.
We recommend launching with the following parameters:
Parameter | Value |
Isolation Mode | No |
Borrowable | Yes |
Collateral Enabled | No |
Supply Cap (RPL) | 150,000 |
Borrow Cap (RPL) | 120,000 |
Debt Ceiling | N/A |
LTV | 0% |
LT | N/A |
Liquidation Bonus | N/A |
Liquidation Protocol Fee | 10% |
Variable Base | 0.00% |
Variable Slope1 | 7.00% |
Variable Slope2 | 300.00% |
Uoptimal | 45.00 |
Reserve Factor | 20.00% |
Stable Borrowing | Disabled |
Liquidity and Market Cap
When analyzing market cap and trading volumes of assets for listing, we look at data from the past 180 days. The average market cap of RPL over the past 180 days was ~$700M, and the average daily trading volume was ~$10M (CeFi & DeFi).