[ARFC] Cancel Llama Service Provider Stream

This is a really strange proposal and has several factually incorrect points. It is especially strange considering we have only two months left in our contract.

Here is a sample of critical work we have in progress (either being developed, reviewed internally, or reviewed by BGD):

  • Curator: a dedicated contract for managing the exchange of assets with MEV and price-impact protection, where possible. This will help swap assets, acquire LSTs, and transfer assets. This is public infrastructure that can be used by any Aave contributor for many years to come.
  • Strategic Asset Manager: a dedicated contract for managing Aave DAO’s strategic assets, at launch it will manage the DAO’s veBAL holdings. StrategicAssetManager provides the functionality needed to maximize the DAO’s financial upside while minimizing the DAO governance’s overhead when managing the assets.
    • This is public infrastructure that can be used by any Aave contributor for many years to come.
  • Listing GMX: proposal to list GMX on Arbitrum v3.
  • Treasury management: proposal to rebalance the Aave treasury on mainnet.

As most members of TokenLogic are no longer working at Llama and were responsible for most, if not all, contributions to Aave

This is factually incorrect. Llama’s full-time smart contract engineers, including Fermin Carranza, Rajath Alex, and Austin Green, have worked on 38 proposal payloads. Rajath Alex and @scottincrypto have worked on the Llama data warehouse, which is public and open. @dydymoon is still actively contributing to Llama and has worked on safety module proposals. They are still very much an active part of Llama. Daniel Schlabach, a full-time Llama engineer, has built and continues to maintain and improve the Aave dashboard, which has been used by several Aave contributors, including Aave Companies and we have received a lot of positive feedback on.

There are also many cases of work done by full-time Llama engineers that has been used by other contributors at Aave, such as the interest rate strategy deployer for v3.

Matthew Graham is the only person who has left Llama. He has been a strong contributor, but the reason that he is visible is because he is interfacing with governance. Engineers at Llama are the ones writing the proposal payloads, building the Aave ETL and data warehouse, and creating the backend and frontend services to share this data with Aave community members.

We have just two months left in our contract. The stream will end in the next two months, after which TokenLogic, Aave Chan Initiative, and others can feel free to take on work. We are in progress with critical work that will benefit the community long after our contract ends in two months.