[ARFC] Harmonize weETH Parameters

[ARFC] Harmonize weETH Parameters

Author: @ACI

Date: 2024-09-11


This direct-to-AIP proposal aims to harmonize weETH parameters across all networks where it is supported.


This proposal aims to harmonize weETH parameters across all networks where it is supported.

The key changes include:

  • Setting the base variable borrow rate for weETH to 1%
  • Adjusting the Reserve Factor (RF) to 45% on all networks
  • Setting the optimal utilization ratio to 30%

The primary motivations for these parameter adjustments are:

Increased Revenue for the DAO: By harmonizing these parameters, particularly the increase in the Reserve Factor, we can generate additional revenue for the Aave DAO.

Improved External Liquidity: The proposed changes, especially the adjustment of the optimal utilization ratio, are expected to enhance the external liquidity of weETH. This improvement in liquidity can lead to more efficient liquidity and better capital utilization within the Aave ecosystem.

Consistency Across Networks: By standardizing these parameters across all networks where weETH is supported, we create a more uniform and predictable environment for users and integrators. This consistency will lead to improved user experience and easier management of the asset across different networks.

These changes represent a balanced approach to optimizing the performance of weETH within the Aave protocol, benefiting both the DAO and its users while maintaining weETH’s attractiveness and utility.


On all networks, change weETH parameters to:

  • Base variable borrow rate for weETH to 1%
  • Adjusting the Reserve Factor (RF) to 45%
  • Setting the optimal utilization ratio to 30%


The ACI is not presenting this ARFC on behalf of any third party and is not compensated for creating this ARFC.

Next Steps

  1. If consensus is reached on this [ARFC], escalate this proposal directly to AIP.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.



LlamaRisk supports the proposed changes, summarized as follows:

Network Base rate Reserve Factor (RF) uOpt
Mainnet 0% → 1% 45% 35% → 30%
Arbitrum 0% → 1% 45% 35% → 30%
Base 0% → 1% 45% 35% → 30%
Scroll 0% → 1% 15% → 45% 45% → 30%

Key consideration:

  • weETH is listed on Mainnet, Arbitrum, Base, & Scroll.
  • The supply utilization is extremely high due to users engaging in leveraged looping, while borrow utilization remains fairly low, except for Scroll market.
  • The current borrow rate on all chains falls within the Slope1 parameter of the interest rate model. A 1% increase in the base rate will result in a 100 bpp increase in the current borrow rate, except for the Scroll weETH market with a 155 bpp increase. With this increase, the borrow utilization is expected to decrease slightly.
  • Changing uOpt to 30% will mean that Slope2 will be reached at a lower utilization level. This change is expected to enhance the external liquidity of weETH by making supplying on Aave slightly less attractive.
  • The reserve factor is already at 45% in most instances, except for Scroll. No adverse effect is foreseen with this change, and a marginal increase in revenue generation is expected.
More details here
Aave Instance Supply utilization Borrow utilization
Mainnet 100% 38.76%
Arbitrum 99.65% 35.89%
Base 98.30% 15.27%
Scroll 100% 96.67%

weETH borrowing is currently available on four markets. Utilization rates are relatively low, between 6% and 13%, and borrow rates are 1.34% and 2.43%. Here are some of the effects of this proposal on those four markets.

What would the new borrow rates be if the utilization rate remains unchanged?

All borrow rates would increase by 100 bpp, except for the Scroll weETH borrow rate, which would increase by 155 bpp because of a decrease in optimal utilization from 45% to 30%, which will change the Slope1 rate.

Aave Instance Current borrow rate New borrow rate
Mainnet 1.86% 2.86%
Arbitrum 2.43% 3.43%
Base 1.34% 2.34%
Scroll 2.03% 3.58%

How much would the current utilization rate have to decrease so that the borrowing rate remains the same?

If the borrow rate increases for users, we can expect the utilization rate to decrease. We estimate the minimum utilization rate we could obtain after the change by considering users to be maximally sensitive to the borrowing rate, hence fixing its current value in the new interest rate equation. In reality, the new utilization rate will sit somewhere between the current one and the minimally calculated one, as users are somewhat sticky and can accept a slight increase in the borrowing rate.

Aave Instance Current utilization New minimal utilization
Mainnet 9.23% 4.3%
Arbitrum 12% 7.15%
Base 6.66% 1.7%
Scroll 12.89% 5.15%

What would be the effect of setting the optimal utilization at 30%?

Slope2 currently has no effect for all weETH Aave instances as the utilization rate is too low to reach it, so we don’t expect any immediate impact from this change. However, in high borrowing demand, the utilization rate will surpass uOptimal faster, which could encourage weETH holders to seek yield on DEX instead.

What would be the effect of setting the Reserve Factor to 45%?

All Aave instances proposing weETH borrowing already have a Reserve Factor of 45%, except for the Scroll weETH market, which has a Reserve Factor of 15%. This change would decrease the supply APY and increase the DAO’s revenue without impacting borrowers, all things being equal. Because the Scroll weETH supply cap and borrow cap are currently maxed out, a slight decrease in the supply APY will help release the pressure.


This review was independently prepared by LlamaRisk, a community-led non-profit decentralized organization funded partly by the Aave DAO.