BGD. aBPT Balancer V2 - Migration plan

This project has been delayed a bit, mainly for 2 reasons:

  1. The proposal to lower requirements on the Level 2 executor (executed end of October 2022) was a pre-requirement, as this migration involves the upgrade of smart contracts controlled by Level 2.
  2. We studied the status of the Safety Module holistically and realized that it is way more optimal in terms of governance procedures, development, and security audits to pack together different changes affecting both stkAAVE and the aBPT/stkABPT discussed on this thread.
  3. During the last 2 months, the audit pipeline of the community has been quite full, with projects like Aave v3 Ethereum, GHO, and others having quite high priority.

But we have being doing progress on the holistic approach referenced on 2), and currently Certora is already reviewing this Safety Module update, which includes this specific aBPT update too.