BGD. Technical maintenance proposals

a.DI update: CCIP bridge adapters and CCC (CrossChainController)

Simple Summary

Technical maintenance proposal to update the CrossChainController and CCIP Bridge Adapters components of a.DI (Aave Delivery Infrastructure).


Set of minor improvements on the CrossChainController smart contract to ease and standardise off chain tracking of a.DI contracts and events; and update of the Chainlink CCIP Bridge Adapter to be compatible with the new CCIP version.


Bridge adapters

On this side, the CCIP Bridge Updated is updated to have full compatibility with CCIP v1.2.0. This affects Ethereum, Polygon PoS, BNBChain and Avalanche.

Cross-chain controller (CCC)

On the CrossChainController (CCC) implementation, we have updated the logic so that all bridged messages will be treated the same even if required confirmation have already been reached (previously these messages where ignored in practise).


The updates has been reviewed by Certora, the engaged security provider of the Aave DAO.



We have created an on-chain AIP for this proposal.

Voting will start in approximately 24 hours, participate :ghost:


We have created an on-chain AIP for this proposal.

Voting will start in approximately 24 hours, participate :ghost:


Hello BGD, the GUI for the Harmony markets and dashboards pages is no longer displaying relevant data. Can you confirm its just the GUI not functioning, and should collateral asset repeg happen, we the lenders, can get our funds back?

1 Like

Hello @Tobes . We are not in charge of, but the team maintaining it (Aave Labs) has confirmed the issue is related with fetching the data from from the Harmony network, because as Chainlink deprecated support for the network, some helper smart contracts should be adapted.
That doesn’t have any implication on the core Aave pool itself.


a.DI. Native bridge adapters update

Simple Summary

This proposal updates the Native bridge adapters used on a.DI, to add extra naming metadata and make the gas limit configurations more granular.


For the past month with a.DI in production, we have noticed small improvements due to the specific mechanics of each bridge provider. Additionally, as we improve the off-chain systems (e.g. monitoring) surrounding a.DI, sometimes it is simply better to add features to the smart contracts to facilitate this off-chain infrastructure.


Updates the Native bridge adapters used to connect between networks to add Adapter Name to the contracts and provider specific gasLimit configuration

Code diffs for the different networks can be checked on a.DI diff repository for revision 2.
Adapter diffs: Native Adapters, BaseAdapter, IBaseAdapter


The updates has been reviewed by Certora, the engaged security provider of the Aave DAO.



We have created an on-chain AIP for this proposal.

Voting will start in approximately 24 hours, participate :ghost:


POOL_ADMIN renounceRole() by Guardian on v3 Scroll

Simple Summary

After some maturity time, it is perfectly safe for the Aave Guardian to renounce the POOL_ADMIN role on the newest pool: Aave v3 Scroll.


Whenever Aave expands to a new network, this is done in a fully decentralised way via an on-chain governance proposal (e.g. Aave v3 BNB Chain).
Major permissions (upgradeability) of the pool are set to the Aave governance from day 0, but the POOL_ADMIN is given to the Aave Guardian during a period of time for security, even if almost never exercised.
From a technical/security perspective, we don’t see any risk at the moment or need for the Guardian to hold this role anymore, so we will coordinate with its members to renounce on the only applicable pool: Aave v3 Scroll.


This proposal doesn’t require any governance procedure (Snapshot, on-chain), as the renounce is done directly by the Guardian.

The Aave Guardian (Safe) on Scroll will call the renounceRole() function for the POOL_ADMIN and their own address.

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LayerZero bridge adapter update to V2

Simple Summary

This proposal updates the LayerZero bridge adapters used on a.DI to connect Ethereum with Polygon, Avalanche, Binance and Gnosis to the new LayerZero V2 version.


Since the activation of a.DI in production, LayerZero one of its underlying cross-chain communication providers has updated its infrastructure to version 2.
This proposal replaces the a.DI LayerZero adapter with the new version.


Updates the LayerZero bridge adapters used to connect between networks to LayerZero V2 and, similar to what has been done on proposal 56 for CCIP, adds an adapter name metadata to the smart contract, to facilitate off-chain tracking.


CAPO on v2 and misc oracles maintenance

Simple Summary

This proposal activates the correlated-assets price oracle (CAPO) system for fiat-pegged stable coins on Aave V2 pools, and does extra miscellaneous updates on price feeds of Aave v2.


To continue enhancing the security of the protocol using CAPO and to align with the recent approved proposal for Aave v3, we are introducing the activation of CAPO adapters for Aave v2 pools. As no LSTs are listed on the v2 (stETH is not applicable), we are only applying the adapters to the fiat-pegged stablecoins.

This proposal also includes an update of the oracle for DPI from DPI / ETH to DPI / USD.


Oracles will be updated using ORACLE.setAssetSource() method. Below is the list of assets per network to be updated:

All assets affected

Network Stables
Avalanche USDC.e, USDT.e, DAI.e
Polygon USDC.e, USDT, DAI

CAPO configurations

Asset Cap
DAI 4%
sUSD 4%
LUSD 10%
UST 4%

Misc specifications

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Hyperlane bridge adapter update to V3

Simple Summary

This proposal updates the bridge Hyperlane bridge adapters used on a.DI to connect Ethereum with Polygon, Avalanche, Binance and Gnosis to the new Hyperlane V3 version.
Additionally, removes old native bridges on Optimism, Base, Arbitrum, Scroll and Metis, after verifying that the new active versions work properly.


The main motivation of this proposal is to bring the Hyperlane bridge adapters to the up to date version (V3).


Updates the Hyperlane bridge adapters used to connect between networks to Hyperlane V3 and it also adds Adapter Name to the contracts to make it easy to track off chain

  • To add the new forwarder adapters the function enableBridgeAdapters() will be called on the CrossChainController on the sender side, and allowReceiverBridgeAdapters() on the recipient side.
  • To remove the old forwarder adapters, the function disableBridgeAdapters() will be called on the CrossChainController on the sender side, and disallowReceiverBridgeAdapters() on the recipient side.

The old native receiver bridge adapters to remove are:


Following the recommendation from risk providers to freeze different stablecoins on this post, we proceeded with the creation of the on-chain AIP for CAPO on v2 assets, as it will introduce extra solid protection.

Voting will start in approximately 24 hours, participate :ghost:


We have created an on-chain AIP for this proposal.

Voting will start in approximately 24 hours, participate :ghost:


We have created an on-chain AIP for this proposal.

Voting will start in approximately 24 hours, participate :ghost:

We can confirm the Aave Scroll Guardian has renounced the POOL_ADMIN role.


Aave Robot migration to Chainlink Automation v2 and gas-price optimization

Simple Summary

Proposal to migrate existing Aave robots from chainlink automation v1.2 to v2.1. For governance v3 robots on Ethereum, we also introduce gas-capped robots in order to limit execution based on network gas price.


With the release of Chainlink automation v2.1, we think its a good idea to update the Aave Robot existing infrastructure to the latest v2.1 version.
In addition, as an effort to reduce the cost spent in gas in times of high gas prices, we also introduce gas-capped robots on mainnet which will be activated via this proposal.


For the migration, the robots registered on the previous robot operator contract will be cancelled and new robots will be registered using an updated robot operator contract, compatible with the newer version of chainlink automation v2.1.

The robots will be cancelled by calling the cancel() method by the payload on the previous robot operator contract, and after the delay has passed anyone could call the permissionless method withdrawLink() on the robot operator contract to withdraw the unused funds on the previous robots to the collector.

On the newer robot operator, the payload will call the register() method to register the keepers with the newer chainlink automation registry supporting v2.1.

Note: All aave governance v3 robots along with robots used for gsm swap freeze will be migrated via this proposal

Deployed Gas Capped Robots
Gas Capped Governance Robot 0x1996c281235D99bB3c6B8d2afbEb8ac6c7A39C11
Gas Capped Voting Robot 0x7Ed0A6A294Cf085c90917c0ee1aa34e795932558
Gas Capped Execution Robot 0xBa37F9eDC52f57caFA3a13ddfD655797Cc4FE257

We have created an on-chain AIP for this proposal.

Voting will start in approximately 24 hours, participate :ghost:


For extra visibility on items that were not really clear on the description, the payloads also include the following minor actions:

  • Activation of a Robot action to enable Aave pool incentives on stataTokens. Whenever incentives are enabled on an asset listed on Aave after the creation of its stataToken, the stataToken needs to be triggered to start tracking those rewards on its own internal accounting.
    This is a permission-less process (anybody can do it), but given that stataTokens are part of the Aave periphery infrastructure and the low cost of the action, we have added a Robot action to automate this.
  • The CrossChainController contract of a.DI on Ethereum is refilled with 1 ETH from the Aave Collector.

a.DI v1.1 Shuffle activation

Simple Summary

Proposal to update a.DI with the new Shuffle mechanism, included into the v1.1 release presented HERE.


a.DI v1 has one constraint, that even if not major, limits the scalability of the system: whenever a new underlying bridge provider is added to the set of a communication path, each message on that path will be passed through all the bridges, no matter if the consensus required on the recipient side is lower.
For example, currently all messages Ethereum → Polygon are sent via CCIP, LayerZero, Hyperlane, and the Polygon native bridge, even if the consensus required on the Polygon side is 3-of-4. This means that even if consensus was reached already before the slowest bridge delivers the message (Polygon native in this case), the cost incurred is of the whole set of 4 bridges, not only 3.

a.DI v1.1 (and more specifically its Shuffling feature) introduces a mechanism for, whenever a message needs to be sent, the system choosing pseudo-randomly a sub-set of all the available bridges for that specific path (e.g. Ethereum → Polygon) with optimal bandwidth size,
and only forwards the message via those bridges.

By doing this:

  • Cost is reduced on all those configurations with optimal bandwidth < bandwidth.
  • Any bottleneck to add new underlying bridge providers is removed, as increasing bandwidth doesn’t really have any effect on the optimal bandwidth of the path.
  • Security-wise, the pseudo-random nature of the shuffling mechanism improves the system, in the line of other rotation-based systems like validators-selection in PoS blockchains.


This proposal upgrades a.DI on every supported network with the new implementation containing the Shuffle mechanism; afterwards, it configures the new parameters required.

The upgrade adds a new _optimalBandwidthByChain mapping on CrossChainForwarder that will store the optimal bandwidth for every supported chain. This will be used to determine how many adapters will be used to pass a message to a destination network

The OptimalBandwidth used to update a.DI will be:

Origin Network Ethereum Polygon Avalanche Arbitrum Optimism Base Gnosis Metis Binance Scroll
Ethereum - 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1
Polygon 3 - - - - - - - - -
Avalanche 2 - - - - - - - - -
Arbitrum - - - - - - - - - -
Optimism - - - - - - - - - -
Base - - - - - - - - - -
Gnosis - - - - - - - - - -
Metis - - - - - - - - - -
Binance - - - - - - - - - -
Scroll - - - - - - - - - -

The method used to initialize a.DI with the new bandwidth configurations is:

function initializeRevision(
  OptimalBandwidthByChain[] memory optimalBandwidthByChain
) external reinitializer(3) {

The new CrossChainController implementations for every supported network are the following:


Certora audit report on the Shuffle update can be found HERE.


  • Implementation: CrossChainController Shuffle update payloads implementation
  • Tests: CrossChainController Shuffle update tests
  • Diffs: CrossChainController implementation address change diffs

a.DI. Enable support to ZKSync


Proposal to register the necessary ZKSync adapters on a.DI, a technical pre-requirement for an activation vote of Aave v3 ZKSync.


In order to be able to pass messages from Ethereum to ZKSync via a.DI (Aave Delivery Infrastructure), it is necessary to at least have one valid adapter Ethereum → ZKSync smart contract enabled in the system.

The first case of message passing Ethereum → ZKSync is the activation proposal for an Aave v3 ZKSync pool and consequently, to be able to execute on the ZKSync side the payload, the Aave governance should approve in advance the a.DI adapter smart contract.

This procedure mirrors the requirements on previous networks like Scroll.


The proposal payload simply registers a pre-deployed ZKSync adapter (with the necessary configurations to communicate with the ZKSync a.DI) on the Ethereum a.DI instance.

This is done by calling the enableBridgeAdapters() function on the Ethereum Cross-chain Controller smart contract.

The following are the new a.DI smart contracts for ZKSync support:


a.DI infrastructural contracts

Contract Address
CrossChainController 0x800813f4714BC7A0a95310e3fB9e4f18872CA92C
Granular Guardian 0xe0e23196D42b54F262a3DE952e6B34B197D1A228