@monet-supply The CRV attack wasn’t an attempted short squeeze, it was an attack on the reported oracle price (by massively dumping crv to wick price low enough to withdraw all collateral - the exact opposite of a short squeeze everyone thinks it was) and if AAVE keeps under this assumption, it’s going to find itself at risk of significant attacks in the future. I submitted a bug bounty detailing the exact CRV attack well before it happened and was ignored and not paid a bug bounty.
While all these debates about the proposals are fine, imo AAVE would find more utility (1) getting the facts right on this attack (it was not targeted at CRV liquidity/short squeeze; it was targeted at outdated price oracles); (2) paying out bug bounties to dedicated white hat systems analyzers like myself who have submitted bug bounties detailing the exact nature and path of this exploit well before it occurred, which if heeded, would’ve saved AAVE the $1.5m in bad debt it accrued, and the $20-$40m that was actually vulnerable.
See me comment here: Risk Parameter Updates for Aave v2 Ethereum Liquidity Pool (2022.11.25)