Harmony & Aave: Horizon Bridge Hack Solution (Recovery One)

In November and December, the Recovery One Foundation, a principal recovery partner in the Harmony ecosystem, including its ambassador program, has been actively facilitating discussions about potential solutions for those affected by the Horizon Bridge Hack.

Recovery One Fnd details:
Recovery Exchange

Over the past two months, we have brainstormed a solution, building upon previous ideas. In December, we advanced our solution and conducted a ‘Temp Check’ snapshot vote. Unfortunately, this vote was unsuccessful, see results: here.

It has been a year and a half since the event. Please use this thread as a space to continue discussing potential solutions. There has been significant dialogue in these two forums below about recovery options for the affected users.

We are committed to providing a solution for the affected Aave users that is fair and consistent with ongoing recovery initiatives.

Brainstorming Proposal:

Temp Check



Is there any update? Anything plan after the temp check rejection?

Thank you

Will there ever be an update? @MarcZeller would also be interested in your opinion.

I’m waiting over 1.5 years for unlocking my money and I can definitely use it better then locked on your platform!!!
For example to cover the cost for an expensive cancer therapy

This bullshit really sucks :fu:

So…? Could someone update please? I see many posts on harmony reddit from people having their ONE stuck on AAVE.

The update is. Nobody from the Aave community and/or Aave token holders cares, and Nobody from the Harmony team cares. All parties have absolved themselves of any responsibility, through blaming the other party involved.
The fact you, as a ‘user’ just used the Aave platform for the express intent and purpose with which it was designed (lending and borrowing), and the platform allowed some thieves to leverage an exploit and steal your funds. Well apparently that is your fault, because Aave ‘worked as intended’.
The fact that one of the Harmony founders (Li Jiang) was on this forum in 2021 to promote Aave to setup on Harmony. But then after this happened, has never been seen or heard from again on here, to try remedy any fallout from their own teams neglect and sloppy security practices, should tell you all you need to know. They simply don’t care about their community.
The fact that Harmony have committed funds to ‘Recovery one’ and other so called recovery partners to buy/burn depegged assets, but they have excluded any funding towards Harmony-Aave recovery efforts, well that again is testament to their lack of concern about you.
They are all too busy promoting ai image generation bots for their telegram, and taking selfies holding their index fingers in the air with fake ass eating grins on their faces, to give a toss about manning up and facing anything that remotely resembles any form of responsibility for their actions. So basically you should just suck it up, deal with it, and move on. Btw I have lost about 500k One coins in this whole sh!t storm drama so I am definitely on your side, but just trying to be realistic.

You are absolutely right. It is the Chernobyl sarcophagus of defi.

As long as recovery continues to buyback assets, the value of the collateral depegged assets on AAVE will continue to grow until they can be eventually liquidated and the lenders made whole.

It’s sad that there is no one group responsible for this problem.

Recovery One is actively working on recovering depegged assets and strengthening the Harmony ecosystem. R1 and our Ambassadors have presented two proposals on Aave forums and advanced one proposal to a vote, which was unsuccessful.

We are always ready to support a proposal to incorporate Aave in the recovery process, and we will assist in building support for any recovery proposal as long as it aligns with current recovery frameworks and is consistent with the Harmony burn plan that R1 follows.

We are just victims and have only one desire to get all the frozen money back. We don’t know or understand the technical aspects, so we need R1 and Harmony Team as leaders to be able to give us appropriate suggestions.

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when will have a real solution for this problem I put my one because I trusted in AAVE but after 2 year I did get any solution.

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