Launch Aave V3 on Metis

We have fulfilled all of the requirements listed for an AAVE proposal. The requirements for the AAVE proposal are listed by Marc Zeller in the previous post in this thread. We can launch the proposal at any time, but we would like to take the time to answer any questions.

Optimism, Boba, and Metis use the same core codebase, we have originated as a hardfork from Optimism. All 3 implementations do not have a working fraud proof mechanism currently. This means that you need to rely on the Sequencer to post the correct transaction data and if false data is posted, then network funds can potentially be at risk. Because of this, all 3 implementations currently have a trusted centralized Sequencer to post the requests.

One of Metis’ main focus has been the decentralization of the network, we have mentioned this within 2 of our roadmaps:

In order for Sequencer Rotation and fulfillment of data requests, working fraud proofs must be implemented, hence the current whitelisting for both. Working fraud proofs will be implemented in Q4 (our 2nd-half roadmap).

As a recap, we have described the security mechanisms of our architecture and the overall process flow, no criticisms for the overall architecture was mentioned. The implementation of the process flow relies on the fraud proofing mechanism, this mechanism does not currently exist for any Optimism-based projects (Optimism, Boba, Metis). After fraud proofing is implemented, the Sequencer rotation and the fulfillment of on-chain data requests will be implemented with it. We are as secure as both Optimism and Boba in the current stage, which have both passed the AAVE proposal for deployment.