Listing Proposal: Add CEL (Celsius Token) - ARC Asset Onboarding

i love celsius innovative concept too and fully support it. keep up the great work and god bless


Love Celcius. They are great at building trust and looking after their community.


Please add CEL, love the community


This would be huge! Love both projects and these are the partnership that will change the game.


Two healthy projects with people good target in mind so i’m all in for the CEL token support!

More liquidity and an honest financial philosophy should only be in both projects interests IMHO.

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Hello @john,

It seem that the CEL circulating supply is 522,197,452.

(If i correctly followed your posted link)


Let’s get it on! :fire::fire::fire:


Yes, Celsius is a great project and would be a great fit for Aave.

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Pretty please add cel token

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Totally agree. Great team, great projevt, great values.

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All I see is a ton of bots in this thread.

I can’t comprehend that any DeFi advocate would support something as dodgy and murky as Celsius.

Celsius team is the enemy of DeFi. If you are asking why, then you haven’t been following this space long enough.

Sorry it’s a hard no from me .

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No Brainer here, let’s do it.

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There is too little liquidity for CEL given the market cap of $2.2b, the daily true volume of CEL is less than $10m for both CEX and DEX combined, CEL is also not listed on anjor major tier 1 spot CEX like Coinbase or Binance yet.

Currently, it’s too risky to list CEL at this point given the poor liquidity.


Yes cel is great amaizing

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Best crypto wallet 2021

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I love cel coin and Celsius It’s a great community It’s how I found out about Aave🙌

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This proposal is very concerning

Lets say something goes wrong on the centralised Celsius platform and they are short on funds. Well with CEL on Aave no one needs to know: Celsius could just deposit their large CEL holdings, borrow against them and refill their platform. But then what would be the value of all that CEL on Aave :skull_and_crossbones:


I see your point, although I don’t think this is something of concern. Celsius is centralized, but it is also very transparent. Most of the data is public, you can know at all times the amount of funds deposited in their platform, their wallets with collateral held, etc. Also, they will be releasing soon their concept called “proof of community” which aims to have all this info verifiable on-chain so the community can always know this things. I would suggest to wait until this happens and see if all this info eases your concern or not.

By the way, there are also some risks with adding any token, even decentralized protocols.

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This proposal, just in time how long it takes for the AAVE team to put Celsius in the work?

Yes, CEL is a great token and Celsius Network is a great platform!

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