When swapping an ETH debt for GHO on Arb AAVE, I discovered that I’m unable to pay back the GHO token, because in the debt swap, I was given a variableDebtArbGHO token that the platform now refuses to recognize as a swap token. Does anybody have a workaround? Swap contract address on Arb is:
Hello @jumpinjehosaphat thanks for posting
@jumpinjehosaphat aave contributor here. When you swap debt from ETH to GHO you receive ghoVaraibleDebtToken
and not the GHO token itself.
right. So How can I use this GhoVariableDebt to pay back my GHO debt? As far as I can tell I can’t use it for anything. The MAIN problem is that I only have options to Borrow or Repay, but no option to “switch” (which I’m guessing is what the GhoVariableDebt token is used for)
OK I finally figured this out. GHO on the debt swap menu is a bit of a honey trap. Not only does it come up as default on the drop down menu, it is a one way cul-de-sac by which you may unwittingly exit the debt swap cycle, effectively BUYING your previous debt instrument (the debt that you swapped out for GHO) via GHO, effectively increasing liquidity for GHO without people actually wanting to. Not only did I fat finger the debt swap to GHO because of tiredness, but also it isn’t really a ‘debt swap’, now is it, since the only way to ‘swap out’ of it is to buy it? I seriously recommend relabeling or moving the GHO buttons on the UI, or at least a little ‘warning’ disclaimer, since I am not the only one, I found someone who fell into the honey trap last fall on reddit.
And this being given a variable debt token only compounds the issue, because it resembles the other ‘debt swap’ tokens, only it cannot be swapped.
I see your point, we will get a fix in shortly
@jumpinjehosaphat you should now be able to switch your gho debt on arb.