Research on Aave governance

I agree with @martin in the fact that voting power must de accessible regardless of underlying blockchain for Aave gouvernance and specially for snapshot vote.

As @sakulstra said aAave and stkabpt miss their gouvernance power when stkAave does. I don’t really understand why. In addition that aAave token is back 1:1 by Aave token (Aave token is not borrowable).

Protocol security must be your first priority specially if we allow on-chain cross chain vote from L2 and sidechain to avoid double voting.

I recommend the following in importance order :

  • starting with voting power implementation for aAave V2 and V3
  • study the case of stkabpt needed implementation to allow voting power for their holders.
  • evaluate the needs to implement Aave and aAave voting power from other chains regarding without opening game theory failure.
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