[TEMP CHECK] AAVE V3 Harmony Recovery ONE Proposal

The 20 percent redemption would be for affected Token Holders. That just want to receive, instant funds. (And be done)

However if people wanted to be more patient, they could potentially redeem Assets on an Exchange on a monthly basis.

This, potentially, gives people a couple options.

As the TEMP CHECK Snapshot enables Aave’s community to share initial opinions on potential proposals, helping identify early interest and concerns.
To acknowledging the challenges of those stuck in Aave, our proposal provides an initial exit option, although not a universal solution. It is a crucial recovery step.
We’re open to further discussion and encourage solutions aligning with recovery efforts.
Our proposal aims to incite productive dialogue, find practical solutions, and we welcome constructive suggestion consistent with the ongoing recovery for refining our approach for community benefit.

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How would it work with ONE tokens exactly?

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The TEMP CHECK Snapshot for this proposal has ended a few hours ago with NAY as winning option with 99.8% (539K votes and quorum reached).
This TEMP CHECK Snapshot has not passed.

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OMG. Well the community has definitely spoken.

I’m writing this statement on behalf of the H1 Recovery team. We had a sick member, Time confusion, 2 of us have never used doodle, and conflicting meetings.

I’d be completely happy to have open dialog in a voice chat, in the future.

Personally I’d prefer ANY other platform.
(Butt ill learn *Doodle, if necessary)
Telegram, Discord, X-platform, Googe meets.

Also im completely unfamiliar with (GMT TIME)
I USE UTC (Crypto Time)

I’m very available and I’m curious to know what the AAVE community suggests to do, moving forward.

Have there been ANY suggestions from the AAVE community, ANY compromises OR middle ground that we can start negotiations.

Again MUCH APOLOGIZES, on behalf of the Recovery Team. We’re :100: percent dedicated to this Recovery process and we’re VERY hopeful that we’ll come to a mutual agreement that both parties AAVE & H1 Will be satisfied with.

Following the governance decision, the Aave DAO voted NAY to the proposed recovery plan.
This governance decision is in line with other proposals in the past 18 months, indicating consistency in Aave’s governance opinion on the topic.

Governance has spoken.

We’re thus closing this topic and related posts.