[TEMP CHECK] Add AERO to Base V3

Title: [TEMP CHECK] Add AERO to Base V3
Author: 0xlide - SaucyBlock
Date: 2024-04-22


This publication presents the community an opportunity to add AERO on the Base Aave v3 Liquidity Pool.


Aerodrome Finance is the largest decentralized exchange on Base that inherits Verodrome. AERO is ERC-20 utility token and can be used as the voting powers for the amount of emission rewards the pool receives each epoch by vote-escrow their tokens and receive a $veAERO

The Addition of AERO to Base V3 is diversifying listed assets and improve user experience. Furthermore, AERO earned from Pool can be used to boost GHO and/or aToken adoption and liquidity on Base as a strategic asset.


Ticker: AERO
Contract Adress: 0x940181a94A35A4569E4529A3CDfB74e38FD98631
Chainlink Oracle: 0x4EC5970fC728C5f65ba413992CD5fF6FD70fcfF0

Proposed risk parameters will be shared at the potential ARFC stage of this proposal.


Project: https://aerodrome.finance/
Docs: https://aerodrome.finance/docs
Audit*¹: https://velodrome.finance/security
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aerodromefi
Discored: http://discord.gg/aerodrome

*¹ Aerodrome Finance inherits the contract architecture and full security maintenance from Velodrome V2. Velodrome V2 has been audited and runs a bug-bounty program.

Next Step

  1. Gather community feedback on this TEMP CHECK.
  2. If consensus is reached, escalate this proposal to TEMP CHECK snapshot stage.
  3. If TEMP CHECK snapshot outcome is YAE, escalate to ARFC stage.
  4. If consensus on ARFC stage is reached and risk service providers provide feedback on risk parameters, escalate to ARFC snapshot stage.
  5. If ARFC snapshot stage outcome is YAE, escalate to AIP stage


0xlide is not presenting this TEMP CHECK on behalf of any third party and is not compensated by any entity for creating this TEMP CHECK.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

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This proposal has been escalated to the snapshot stage

Vote starts tomorrow.

This proposal received high support from voters (289k AAVE YAE, 98.51%), but did not meet the quorum(320k AAVE YAE). In light of the low voter turnout, we propose taking re-snapshot.