I checked Zerolend, and from my POV, it’s a low-effort fork done by two and half junior developers who raised a few millions from greedy VCS and gave some angel slots to KOLs influencers to talk about them.
the Aave codebase with a high inflation shitcoin slapped on top, there’s been many in the past like this and many more will come in future.
The reality is that Zerolend only has one likely outcome, onboarding the wrong collateral or Oracle, or pushing a wrong config and getting featured in Rekt News.
Unfortunately, even high-quality code cannot offer much protection if the implementers don’t fully comprehend it.
The only way out of this certain future is having the service providers of this DAO save their ass like we did with other forks in the past and refuse to do now, creating expected outcomes.
If you wish to make a more respectable proposal, it will be given due consideration, especially as Zerolend seems to focus on networks Aave doesn’t have a short-term interest in. The current proposal, however, lacks credibility. The DAO treasury should also receive your tokens.
In the long run, it’s better to have a smaller stake in a sustainable project than to risk everything on a ship that might sink shortly after setting sail.