Welcome to Aave’s governance discussion forum!
This forum is dedicated to Aave’s governance discussion for matters such as Aave Improvement Proposals (AIPs), risk factors, and general governance discussions otherwise not mentioned.
The protocol governance consists of the decision-making process for the different risk parameter changes, improvements, and incentives that constitute the policies. Future decisions governing the protocol will be enacted through this procedure.
The AAVE token empowers holders with the capability to vote on proposals and collectively act as governors of the protocol.
To learn more about the protocol’s governance, please refer to the Aavenomics.
Aavenomics Key Summary:
Aavenomics present a governance framework to grant key decision making to AAVE tokenholders.
LEND will migrate to AAVE, via a Genesis Governance vote, at a rate of 100 LEND per 1 AAVE.
The total supply of AAVE will be 16M tokens.
13M AAVE tokens will be redeemed by LEND token holders.
3M AAVE tokens will be allocated to the Aave Ecosystem Reserve.
Aave will launch a Safety Module (SM) for staked AAVE to act as collateral of last resort.
Aave will introduce safety and ecosystem incentives to reward protocol growth.
Aavenomics introduces Aave Improvement Proposals (AIPs) for future protocol upgrades.
Governance defines a set of Policies by which the Aave Protocol and Money Markets abide by.
Aave Governance Architecture:
Telegram: https://t.me/Aavesome
Discord: https://aave.com/discord
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AaveAave
Blog: https://medium.com/aave
Aavenomics: https://docs.aave.com/aavenomics/