[Temp Check] Implementation of an RFP Framework for Service Provider Engagements

@benhoneill I can appreciate the amount of effort that has gone into this. Based on the current discord there is a lot to digest. While we (Hashnote) are relatively new participants in this community we would come under this proposal as there is, as you mentioned, a pretty exciting situation forming around RWA / treasury mgmt.

From my perspective, this approach could work for things with a healthy level of competition amongst providers. In situations where there are only a couple of firms performing a particular service and that activity is pretty nascent then this framework may not work well.

Returning to the RWA topic, this is a great real-life topic that (in my opinion) should get an RFP. While the high-level concept of buying short-dated US treasury bills seems easy enough to understand there are a lot of nuances that 99.99% of the world population doesn’t know exist nor can appreciate without spending a healthy amount of time researching. I outlined some of those nuances here. It’s completely reasonable for most people to come across the Centrifuge proposal and not understand what types of questions to ask (this is not intended to be read as a criticism of the original poster). When there are such variations in implementation amongst vendors, it requires a level of community education to get everyone on the same page. An RFP can serve as that vehicle and we hope to assist in that process.

You laid it out well, if these proposals are viewed in isolation, then the outcome, most likely, won’t be cohesive. Identifying the attributes that are important to the DAO and then comparing each product/service provider to them is the best way to identify the right partner or partners, it doesn’t need to be a winner-take-all model. In that same vein, I posted this a few days ago to help align us on what some next steps could be.

I am a big fan of learning and improving through experience. As such, we fully support running an RFP process for treasury mgmt in order to progress the strategy and learn from the process.