Title: [TEMP CHECK] Onboard BNBx on Aave V3 BNB Chain
Author: @ACI ( Aave Chan Initiative)
Date: 2024-03-04
This TEMP CHECK proposes the addition of BNBx from Stader to Aave V3 BNB Chain to enhance LST liquidity and asset diversity.
BNBx is a liquid staked token of BNB from Stader. Users can freely mint BNBx in exchange for BNB deposits and earn yield from staking.
The Aave-Chan Initiative supports LST diversity in Aave V3 and looks to add more LST to the new BNB Chain deployment.
Contract address: 0x1bdd3cf7f79cfb8edbb955f20ad99211551ba275
Detailed risk parameters will be formulated and shared in the ARFC phase, after positive community feedback from this TEMP CHECK.
Useful Links
- Website: https://www.staderlabs.com/
- BNBx docs: https://binance.docs.staderlabs.com/
The ACI is not presenting this TEMP CHECK on behalf of any third party and is not compensated for creating this ARFC.
Next Steps
- If consensus is reached on this [TEMP CHECK], escalate this proposal to the Snapshot stage.
- If the Snapshot outcome is YAE, this proposal will be escalated to ARFC stage
- Publication of a standard ARFC, collect community & service providers feedback before escalating proposal to ARFC snapshot stage
- If the ARFC snapshot outcome is YAE, publish an AIP vote for final confirmation and enforcement of the proposal
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