[TEMP CHECK] Update Aave Snapshot Space

Josh here, executive director at Metagov. Wanted to add a brief observation: the current threshold ALREADY prevents a lot of stereotypically “good actors” from participating without a sponsor, e.g. nonprofits, analysts, academics, etc. When it was 50 AAVE I could post a Snapshot on my own, but now it is pretty much impossible.

From my perspective, this means two options: either (1) the proposal limit doesn’t matter at all because it’s too high anyways, and if you care about governance & greater diversity you should focus on making the sponsorship flow more accessible and well-defined, or (2) drop the proposal to something reasonable (with the tradeoffs that come with that, e.g. spam). In the future, perhaps you could imagine a more widespread reputation measure taking off in this ecosystem that would allow you to define better Snapshot strategies / lower thresholds conditioned on reputation.

Participating in DAO governance is already hard. Trying to pass anything, even something completely anodyne and trivial like publishing some already-published information in a standard way, in a major DAO already requires either a bunch of resources, a bunch of delegate connections, or a person on it full-time—often all of the above. Let’s try to make it easier!

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