Hi everyone, This is Warren from Malus. We received a grant from Aave Grants DAO and would like to give you guys an update. Our project provides 7% peer to peer cash back to users using Aave’s aTokens as collateral. It works by providing sellers with interest on money they are losing giving discounts.
Progress so far:
Our alpha is officially live for testing on the Rinkeby testnet.
Our Subgraph is fully functional.
Docs are officially completed until future updates.
Future Plans
Get our smart contracts audited.
Launch on Mainnet.
Announce Extensions.
Announce Buy, Sell, and Transfer Collateral.
Add more Tokens to the UI.
We are currently exploring other chains where Aave is located to better help more users. However, ENS is a key component of this application which only supports a few chains at the moment.
Maulus seems to be an interesting project and it is inspiring to watch the progress your team has made.
In terms of updating the Aave ecosystem, is this something we could instill on a monthly basis? It seems beneficial for both the team (building) and Aave users to understand milestones and goals of grants at a regular cadence.
For future plans - how do you plan to fund smart contract auditing? This can be a capital intensive process and is one of the biggest deterrents from many protocols getting audits.
Second, is this list sorted in terms of priority? If so we agree with the organization and roadmap.
Yes, We can have updates on a monthly basis for Malus. This project has been in development months before receiving a grant from Aave. The alpha is now officially live for testing. The main purpose of receiving the grant from Aave was to complete our audit. We’ve recently received a from Aave in their last batch of grants.
Audit cost is something I been paying a lot of attention to while working on the project. Rather than using grant funding for building, it would be used to complete a audit. We’ve received a total of $52k in grants from Aave and The Graph which should be sufficient enough to cover the audit cost.
As complex as this project might seem, the core of the application is actually 777 lines of code. We’ve currently received one offer from a credible auditor with a price well within our budge. If all goes well, we might even be able to cover two audits for the project.
Finally, The list is in terms of priority. However, there are a few other ambitious plans I am leaving out to only focus on the main points.