Aave Chan Initiative Delegate platform

Hello frens,

Time flies, and first month of the year has passed already!

In this occasion, it’s important to point out that V.3 Governance was launched after governance embargo, and so far it’s been an amazing journey, with plenty of governance activity.
Remember, if you still want to check any of the previous AIP you need to go Governance V.2

We had a first days of January that embargo was still active so ion paper that should have meant there’s a bit less of governance proposals, but on the contrary.

Sharing January 2024 Report

Let’s dive in!

Captura de pantalla 2024-02-01 a las 16.00.29

We had an increase in Temp Checks, Temp Check Snapshots, ARFC and ARFC Snapshots, with a slightly decrease in AIP due to embargo and new v.3 version.

Captura de pantalla 2024-02-01 a las 15.51.50

Most relevant proposals to point out are:

You can of course get into much more detail in January 2024 Report

That’s all for now, thank you for delegating into Aave Chan Initiative (ACI) and stay tuned for more updates!