[ARFC] Add native USDC to the Arbitrum V3 pool

Proposal updated to include Risk service provider feedback

title: [ARFC] Add native USDC to the Arbitrum V3 pool
author: @marczeller - Aave Chan Initiative
created: 2023-06-06


This ARFC proposes to add the native version of USDC on Arbitrum to the Aave V3 pool on Arbitrum. The native USDC token will eventually become the “canon” version of the USDC stablecoin on the Arbitrum L2. The current USDC onboarded on Aave V3 Arbitrum pool should now be considered “USDC.e” as it’s a bridged asset with an underlying USDC on Ethereum.


Circle is set to launch a native version of USDC on Arbitrum, which is anticipated to become the primary version of the USDC stablecoin on the Arbitrum L2. This will supersede the current “USDC.e” token, which is a bridged asset with an underlying USDC on Ethereum.

From our experience with the Avalanche Pool, we’ve learned that a prudent approach to integrating such a native token involves initially onboarding it with parameters similar to its bridged counterpart, but with more conservative caps. As the native USDC builds secondary liquidity and matures, we can gradually decrease the attractiveness of USDC.e and increase the caps for the native USDC.

This ARFC is focused solely on the onboarding of the native USDC and does not propose any action for USDC.e. As a result, if this proposal is accepted by the governance, both USDC.e and the native USDC will be onboarded simultaneously on the Arbitrum V3 pool. This strategy aims to ensure a smooth transition and maintain the stability of the Aave V3 pool on Arbitrum.


Token Information


Parameter USDC.e USDC (native)
LTV 81% 81%
LT 86% 86%
LB 5% 5%
Supply Cap 150M 41M
Borrow Cap 100M 41M
RF 10% 10%
emode YES YES
emode LTV 93% 93%
emode LT 95% 95%
emode LB 1% 1%
Base rate 0% 0%
slope1 3.5% 3.5%
Slope2 60% 60%
optimalUtilization 90% 90%
stable borrowing YES NO


This proposal is powered by Skyward. ACI has not been paid by Circle or any third party to propose this ARFC.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0


We support this and fully agree on the approach proposed by @MarcZeller here regarding the secondary liquidity concerns.

We’d like to note that we believe there should be a faster build-up and maturity of native USDC on Arbitrum considering the TVL stickiness.

Gauntlet supports the addition of native USDC on Arbitrum. Per Gauntlet’s borrow and supply cap methodology, we recommend setting the supply cap no higher than 60% of on-chain token supply. The current on-chain supply is 68,424,160.9, which implies a supply cap of 41M. Our methodology also implies setting the borrow cap equal to the supply cap.

We agree with the approach of setting all other parameters equal to the current parameters of USDC.e. We expect native USDC to maintain its peg to USD at least as well as USDC.e, as it is essentially the same asset but without the cost and risk associated with bridging.

Parameter USDC.e USDC (native)
LTV 81% 81%
LT 86% 86%
LB 5% 5%
Supply Cap 150M 41M
Borrow Cap 100M 41M
RF 10% 10%
emode YES YES
emode LTV 93% 93%
emode LT 95% 95%
emode LB 1% 1%
Base rate 0% 0%
slope1 3.5% 3.5%
Slope2 60% 60%
optimalUtilization 90% 90%
stable borrowing YES NO

Balancer is keen to migrate bbaUSD on Arbitrum over to use the new native USDC. Looking forward to execution here!

Proposal has been escalated to Snapshot stage

Voting starts tomorrow.

Chaos supports adding native USDC to the V3 Arbitrum pool, with the parameters recommended in this post.

proposal published as AIP-251

Voting starts tomorrow.

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