Updated 2024-10-25
Title: [ARFC] Dolce Vita Extension
Author: @ACI
Date: 2024-10-16
This ARFC seeks community consensus to extend Dolce Vita services to include Snapshot and Discourse management. The proposal aims to formalize and expand ACI’s role in overseeing these governance platforms, ensuring streamlined and consistent management across Aave DAO’s communication channels.
Dolce Vita is a core component of ACI’s commitment to enhancing the Aave Protocol by managing essential, yet often unnoticed, tasks that are vital to governance success. As most of Dolce Vita’s services have been delivered ahead of schedule, ACI seeks governance approval to extend its scope to include additional responsibilities.
Snapshot Spaces:
- ACI is currently the only active administrator of the Aave Snapshot space. It has verified the Aave DAO Snapshot spaces, funded enhanced support, and elevated Aave’s visibility by placing it at the top of the space list, thereby increasing engagement.
- Through the Skyward service, ACI has been responsible for posting the vast majority of proposals on Snapshot over the past two years. This consistency ensures that governance processes remain organized and accessible.
- The existing Snapshot space is currently managed by a diverse set of administrators, many of whom are no longer actively involved in the Aave ecosystem.
- Formalizing ACI’s role would streamline the management of the Snapshot platform, ensuring that governance is handled consistently, enhancing both engagement and trust within the Aave community.
Discourse Forum:
- ACI has played a pivotal role in establishing and maintaining the current governance framework within the Discourse forum, facilitating structured and coherent discussions that drive decision-making.
- At present, both @ACI and @EzR3aL are the only active administrators of the forum, maintaining the day-to-day operations to keep the community informed and engaged.
- Recognizing ACI as the official administrator and @EzR3aL as the lead moderator would solidify these roles, acknowledging the ongoing contributions of ACI and allowing the team to focus on maintaining high-quality services.
- This extension ensures continuity and efficiency in governance discussions, supporting the continued success of Aave DAO by formalizing the management of these key platforms.
Snapshot Management:
- Transfer the management of Snapshot spaces to the AaveDAO.eth ENS domain owned by a multisig with @EzR3aL, @Kene_StableLab and @ACI as signers.
- Appoint ACI as the primary administrator responsible for moderation, management, and implementation of voting policies.
- Enable all service providers and Orbit-recognized delegates to post proposals without needing proposition power by giving author status upon request
Discourse Forum Management:
Budget Consideration
This extension of Dolce Vita services is proposed to be integrated within the current scope of ACI, and no additional budget is requested.
ACI is not presenting this ARFC on behalf of any third party and is not compensated for creating this ARFC.
Next Steps
- If consensus is reached on this ARFC, proceed to the Snapshot stage.
- Should the ARFC receive a favorable Snapshot outcome, proceed to implementation.
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