ARFC: Gauntlet Borrow Cap Updates for CRV on Ethereum v3, 2023-07-06


Gauntlet recommends borrow cap changes for CRV on Ethereum v3, due to low cap usage.


Chain Asset Cap Current Recommended
Ethereum CRV BORROW 7700000 3800000


CRV borrow cap usage has been historically low; we recommend lowering the borrow cap to reduce tail risks. Our dashboard has more color on how CRV borrow cap usage has been < 25% on Ethereum Aave v3 for the past three months.


Screen Shot 2023-07-05 at 3.53.59 PM

Next Steps

  • Initiate AIP on 2023.07.10
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Given recent community preferences on the CRV asset, we will await more community feedback until AIP.

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