[ARFC] Set ETHx and SD Emission Admin to Stader Labs

title: [ARFC] Set ETHx and SD Emission Admin to Stader Labs
author: @karpatkey_TokenLogic & @ACI
created: 2024-02-11

Simple Summary

This proposal enables Stader Labs to distribute ETHx and/or SD rewards across Aave v3 on Ethereum.


With ETHx being added to Aave v3 Ethereum in the near future, this publication enables Stader Labs to emit ETHx and/or SD rewards across Aave v3 on Ethereum.

Stader Labs intends to use the rewards to support the continued growth and adoption of ETHx.


The EmissionManager, a governance controlled function, assigns the Emission_Admin role for a specified token, ETHx and SD on the Ethereum network.

The Emission_Admin role controls the distribution of the specified token, ETHx and SD, across the specified Aave v3 deployment.

The Emission_Admin can distribute ETHx and SD anywhere across the Aave v3 Ethereum Liquidity Pool.


Set Emission_Admin permission for ETHx and SD to the following Stader Labs SAFE address:

Aave v3 Ethereum
Address Reward (SD): 0x30D20208d987713f46DFD34EF128Bb16C404D10f
Address Reward (ETHx): 0xA35b1B31Ce002FBF2058D22F30f95D405200A15b
EMISSION_ADMIN: 0xbDa6C9cd7eD043CB739ca2C748dAbd1fCA397132

The AIP call setEmissionAdmin() method in the emission_manager contract.



TokenLogic, karpatkey and ACI receive no payment for this proposal. TokenLogic and karpatkey are both delegates within the Aave community.

Next Steps

  1. Gather feedback from the community and risk service providers.
  2. If consensus is reached on this ARFC, escalate this proposal to the Snapshot stage.
  3. If Snapshot outcome is YAE, escalate this proposal to AIP stage


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


The following proposal has been escalated to ARFC Snapshot.

Vote will start tomorrow, we encourage everyone to participate.

Following Snapshot monitoring, the current [ARFC Snapshot(Snapshot) has ended with both Quorum and YAE as winning option, with 675K votes.
Next step will be the AIP publication.


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