[ARFC] Set REZ, KERNEL and rsETH Emission Admin to ACI

title: [ARFC] Set REZ, KERNEL and rsETH Emission Admin to ACI
author: @TokenLogic
created: 2025-01-10

Simple Summary

This proposal enables ACI to distribute REZ, KERNEL and rsETH rewards across several instances of Aave v3.


The Kelp team proposes distributing rsETH and KERNEL rewards on Core and Prime instances of Aave v3 to incentivize rsETH deposits and drive adoption. Similarly, the Renzo team seeks to distribute REZ rewards across Prime instance of Aave v3 to support the growth of ezETH deposits.

Both teams aim to leverage these rewards to foster the continued adoption and expansion of rsETH and ezETH within the Aave ecosystem. The ACI team will manage the distribution of rewards on behalf of Kelp and Renzo.


The EmissionManager, a governance controlled function, assigns the Emission_Admin role for a specified token, such as REZ, KERNEL and rsETH.

The Emission_Admin role controls the distribution of the specified token, REZ, KERNEL and rsETH, across the specified instance of Aave v3 deployment.

The Emission_Admin can distribute REZ, KERNEL and rsETH anywhere across the specified instance of Aave v3.


Set Emission_Admin permission for REZ, KERNEL and rsETH to the following ACI controlled address:

Address Reward (REZ): 0x3B50805453023a91a8bf641e279401a0b23FA6F9
EMISSION_ADMIN: 0xdef1FA4CEfe67365ba046a7C630D6B885298E210

Aave Deployments: Prime, Arbitrum and Base

Address Reward (KERNEL): 0x3f80b1c54ae920be41a77f8b902259d48cf24ccf
Address Reward (rsETH): 0xa1290d69c65a6fe4df752f95823fae25cb99e5a7
EMISSION_ADMIN: 0xdef1FA4CEfe67365ba046a7C630D6B885298E210

Aave Deployments: Core and Prime

The AIP call setEmissionAdmin() method in the emission_manager contract.



TokenLogic and ACI receive no payment for this proposal.

Next Steps

  1. Using the Direct-To-AIP process, ACI will submit an AIP.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Following discussions with the Kelp team, this proposal has been updated to include the ability for the @ACI team to administer KERNEL rewards on both Prime and Core instances of Aave v3.

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