BGD. Technical maintenance proposals

a.DI. Enable support to ZKSync


Proposal to register the necessary ZKSync adapters on a.DI, a technical pre-requirement for an activation vote of Aave v3 ZKSync.


In order to be able to pass messages from Ethereum to ZKSync via a.DI (Aave Delivery Infrastructure), it is necessary to at least have one valid adapter Ethereum → ZKSync smart contract enabled in the system.

The first case of message passing Ethereum → ZKSync is the activation proposal for an Aave v3 ZKSync pool and consequently, to be able to execute on the ZKSync side the payload, the Aave governance should approve in advance the a.DI adapter smart contract.

This procedure mirrors the requirements on previous networks like Scroll.


The proposal payload simply registers a pre-deployed ZKSync adapter (with the necessary configurations to communicate with the ZKSync a.DI) on the Ethereum a.DI instance.

This is done by calling the enableBridgeAdapters() function on the Ethereum Cross-chain Controller smart contract.

The following are the new a.DI smart contracts for ZKSync support:


a.DI infrastructural contracts

Contract Address
CrossChainController 0x800813f4714BC7A0a95310e3fB9e4f18872CA92C
Granular Guardian 0xe0e23196D42b54F262a3DE952e6B34B197D1A228