Gauntlet Case Study Questions & Help


I’m currently doing a research project for a class on DAO Governance, and I’m conducting a case study on Gauntlet and why they chose to end their relationship with AAVE. In particular, I’m trying to answer the following questions:

  • What are the primary benefits of AAVE’s DAO governance model?
  • What are the primary challenges facing AAVE’s DAO governance, and how do these compare to other DeFi projects?
  • Do you agree with Gauntlet’s assessment that issues with DAO governance were a major concern? Why or why not?
  • How do you think AAVE can address these specific issues to retain or attract new service providers?
  • Has Gauntlet’s departure had a major impact on AAVE’s operations?
  • Are there specific improvements or changes you think could enhance AAVE’s governance model?
  • How transparent do you find the decision-making processes within AAVE’s DAO?

I’m not expecting to have all these questions answered, but if anyone has opinions on these questions they would like to share, I would be very grateful if I could cite you as an anonymous AAVE stakeholder within my research report.

Furthermore, if you have any resources on the AAVE-Gauntlet breakup, it would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,


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