Gauntlet Monthly Updates

September 2023


Sharing a recap of Gauntlet’s market risk management work with Aave in September 2023. See below for this past month’s work summary and a preview of what’s coming up in October.


Category Work Completed Commmentary
Quantitative Research Implementation in progress for Lever B of the Synchronicity Price Adapter “Killswitch” Functionality for LST Emode in collaboration with BGD

After months of research and development, the approval of Killswitch Functionality for LST Emode shows the community’s collaborative efforts to continuously innovate Aave in risk management.
Recommendations Lower stMATIC, MaticX non-emode LT

Aave V2 Markets Deprecation Plan

V2 Ethereum Deprecation 10.03.2023

Interest Rate Recommendations for WETH (slope 1 and base rate)

Borrow and supply cap recommendations on Metis, Arbitrum, Optimism, Ethereum v3

Arbitrum USDC Migration

MAI/MIMATIC Deprecation

Slope 1 and UOpt recommendations for WETH on V3 Ethereum

Increase borrow and supply caps for WSTETH and BAL on V3 Ethereum

Daily risk simulations and stress tests
Risk Modeling Increase supply caps for LINK on Optimism, LUSD on Arbitrum, METIS on Metis

Increase debt ceiling for MKR

Initial parameter recommendations for STG on Ethereum V3

TUSD Offboarding Plan Part II parameter recommendations

Initial risk analysis and parameter recommendations for V3 on GnosisChain

Initial parameter recommendations for V3 zkEVM L2

Initial parameter recommendations for KNC on Ethereum V3

Initial parameter recommendations for FXS on Ethereum V3

Increase supply cap for LUSD and supply and borrow cap for USDT

Increase supply and borrow caps on V3 Metis, Arbitrum

Recommendations on GHO borrow rate

Increase RPL and METIS borrow caps on V3 Metis, Ethereum

Initial parameter recommendations for sDAI on Gnosis Pool V3

Firefighting during unique market stress events. Risk modeling to provide insight into the risk/reward tradeoffs of Aave initiatives
Risk Monitoring and Alerting Aligned on Aave V2 Markets Deprecation Plan and executed V2 Ethereum Deprecation 10.03.2023

Continuous Aave market updates in Telegram Channel, open to the public, for alerts from Gauntlet’s monitoring platform

Gauntlet’s risk monitoring platform alerts the community of risk updates
Feature Upgrades Launched Aave V3 Base dashboard Gauntlet continuously upgrades its product offering

Upcoming Selected Work

  • Implementation of Lever B of the Synchronicity Price Adapter “Killswitch” Functionality for LST Emode
  • Continuous analysis and recommendations for the Aave V2 Markets Deprecation Plan
  • Provide risk analysis on Aave’s launches across chains
  • Continuously monitor and increase supply caps if recommended via the Risk Steward process
  • Continue support of community initiatives and market alerts

We are happy to answer any questions or hear any feedback - feel free to comment below.

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