Governance Weekly Recap

Week of February 6, 2023


:ghost: GHO was just deployed on Ethereum’s Goerli Testnet. Development updates from @AaveLabs can be found here.

:speaking_head: Check out Aave’s brief, anonymous community health pulse survey from RnDAO.

:speaking_head: Aave News #87.


:speaking_head: Aave Improvement Proposals (AIPs):

  • Add rETH to Aave Ethereum V3 pool (153). Succeeded with 100% voting YAE and was executed on February 13th.
  • Add USDT to Aave Ethereum V3 pool (152). Succeeded with 88% voting YAE and was executed on February 13th.
  • BAL Interest Rate Curve Upgrades (151). Succeeded with 100% voting YAE and was executed on February 7th.
  • Aave v3 Polygon wMATIC Interest Rate Update (150). Succeeded with 100% voting YAE and was executed on February 7th.
  • Add cbETH to Aave V3 Ethereum (149). Succeeded with nearly 100% voting YAE and was executed on February 7th.

:speaking_head: On Snapshot:

  • [ARC] Onboarding sfrxETH to Aave V3 Ethereum Market. Voting ends on February 14th.
  • [ARC] Add LUSD to Ethereum V3. Passed on February 13th with nearly 100% voting “YAE.”
  • [ARFC] increase borrow cap for MAI Aave Polygon V3. Passed on February 13th with nearly 100% voting “YAE.”
  • [Temp Check] Deploy Aave V3 on Neon EVM Devnet. Failed on February 10th with over 99% voting “NAY.”
  • [ARFC] Add wstETH to Arbitrum Aave v3. Passed on February 9th with nearly 100% voting “YAE - with Ethereum eMode.”
  • [ARFC] CRV Interest Rate Curve Upgrade. Passed on February 9th with nearly 100% voting “YAE.”
  • [ARFC] Add USDT to Ethereum V3 Market. Passed on February 7th with nearly 100% voting “YAE.”

:speaking_head: Provide your feedback on these Aave Requests for Comment (ARCs):

  • [ARFC] Deploy aCRV & CRV to veCRV. This proposal “presents Aave with two options for managing the CRV holding, with @Llamaxyz recommending to lock the CRV for veCRV via Curve Finance.”
  • [ARC] - Chaos Labs Supply and Borrow Cap Updates - Aave V3 Polygon and Arbitrum. A proposal to “adjust five (7) total risk parameters, including Supply Cap and Borrow Cap, across seven (7) Aave V3 Polygon and Arbitrum assets.”
  • [ARFC] Freeze BUSD on Aave V2. A proposal from Aave Chan Initiative “following the recent developments between Paxos (minter of BUSD) and the SEC.”
  • Deploy Aave V3 on BNB Chain. The Aave Chan Initiative expresses reservations.
  • [ARFC] Add CRV to Ethereum v3. Llama proposes to “onboard CRV to the Ethereum v3 Liquidity Pool.” Discussion continues, risk analysis to come.
  • [ARC] - Add support for BADGER on Aave V3. Llama provides a risk assessment. Chaos Labs follows up to express reservations.
  • ARC: Incentivized Delegate Campaign (3-month). @noturhandle from Butter proposes “a 3-month incentivized delegate pilot for Aave DAO operated by Butter.”
  • [ARFC] Add BAL Ethereum v3. Guantlet provides parameter recommendations for Llama’s proposal.
  • [ARC] Aave Protocol Plan for Shanghai Upgrade. Gauntlet provides an additional update.
  • [ARFC] MaticX Polygon v3 Upgrade. A proposal to update the “MaticX Reserve on Polygon to facilitate an expansion of the MaticX/wMATIC loop strategy in the anticipation of rewards being introduced in the near future.” Discussion continues.
  • [ARC] Gauntlet Borrow/Supply Cap Updates for Aave v3 OP and Aave v3 AVAX. Discussion continues.
  • [ARFC] Avalanche wAVAX Interest Rate Upgrade. Gauntlet will soon provide a risk analysis.
  • [ARC] Gauntlet Risk Parameter Updates for Aave V2 ETH. Gauntlet has “identified an opportunity to reduce liquidation bonuses on three (3) Aave V2 ETH assets without adding outsized market risk.”
  • ARC: Spark Lend Profit Share Proposal. A proposal for “profit-sharing with the Aave community” from the people behind Spark Lend, which was developed from the (open source) Aave v3 codebase.

In the Forums

Financial report for January 2023, provided by Llama.

Delegate platform updates from @lbsblockchain, @WintermuteGovernance, and @Kene_StableLab.

Risk parameter recommendations for new asset listings. @John_TV_Locke from Messari presents some observations.

DefiSafety presents an idea for quality certificates.

On Twitter

First episode of Aave Radio, about GHO.

So many GHO puns.

On Discord

What is proposition power?

Quick Gov Links: Governance FAQ | Governance Docs | Discord Governance Channel | Snapshot | AIPs | Aave on Boardroom